In response to the increasing popularity of container based app deployment like Kubernetes, Aporeto set out to automate security within the new landscape.
Aporeto approached The Leap Labs to brand and visualize their container security application based on our extensive Enterprise Software and Networking experience.
The Apporeto Server Cluster Health Report is displayed at the top of the screen, with Total Servers, Failed Servers, Data Processed and Total Users in trending. Individual server cards are displayed below and can be sorted and viewed in detail from the dashboard.
Individual server details and health is displayed along with reporting and meta data.
Over 175 Icons were created for Aporeto including an extensive network icon library and an extensive service type library. All icon libraries are converted to icon fonts for faster uploading and CSS colour application. The Leap Labs also can provide an extensive Enterprise Software icon library for our customers to use, in conjunction with Google Material Fonts.